Mela – 30.friggin.pounds

Honestly there hasn’t been much for me to share in a while. I haven’t had a shark week in over 60 days which has been bumming me out. And truthfully I haven’t made too much headway in the weight loss department. While Lola is blowing my mind left, right, and centre with her rapid weight loss I’ve been battling the 260s since the beginning of March, which is rapidly approaching 2 months ago.

BTW I don’t want to come off bitter about Lola. She is my absolute anchor in this lifestyle and I’m redonculously proud of what she’s accomplished. It’s so amazing to watch her journey.  But it does certainly put my weight loss into perspective and make me wish I’d lost almost 50 pounds haha.

Still, I am happy today to announce that Mela is frigging finally past the 30 pound weight loss mark!! It’s barely there but it does feel pretty good because I’ve fought hard for it!!

I feel renewed today in what I’m doing here. My new lifestyle allows me to not be stressed by food, not feel like a total whale every time I eat and lose weight…now if the stupid shark weeks would just regulate!!! But that’s a different story. Have a great day everyone. Now on to 40 pounds!

Lola – March 2016 Recap

March was a pretty big month for me. I went on my first trip to BC, celebrated the first major holiday of 2016, and got into a car accident that totaled off my car (thankfully me and the other driver are both fine!). Best of all, I continued eating keto through it all and actually ended up losing weight during the trip to BC as well as over Easter. That’s just unheard of! On March 1, I weighed in at 271 pounds. On March 31, I was at 260.6, which is a total loss of 10.4 pounds!

Easter weekend was pretty quite, just my mom and I together for most of it. My sister and her family were in Cuba and we went to my brother’s for supper on Sunday, but the rest of the weekend was just Mom and I so it was easy to stick to the keto plan since there wasn’t a bunch of chocolate and desserts everywhere! I made a delicious Low Carb Lemon Meringue Pie for Sunday dessert that everyone loved, which was a pretty awesome feeling!

I am finding that my daily emotional eating has almost disappeared. I can’t think of a time in March where I felt the need to “eat my feelings”. It’s not because life is suddenly perfect – I really enjoyed a relaxing glass of red wine after the car accident – I just feel like I am happier overall and that the keto lifestyle is really helping to balance out my hormones. Even if I do, once in a while, stumble back into some emotional eating, it looks so much different now. Rather than stocking up on junk food and eating until I feel sick, I’ll instead eat a bowl of parsnip chips without weighing them out on my food scale, or I’ll have one piece of a keto dessert even though I’ve already used up all of my calories. I think – hope – the high-sugar binges are behind me now. That is a huge NSV (Non-Scale Victory) for me.

❤ Lola

Lola – This is What I Do Now

Last weekend, I made a Keto version of Cactus Club Cafe’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Bar. It turned out pretty good, although I need to work on my chocolate-making skills. I ended up with quite a bit of leftover chocolate and, not wanting to throw it out or just freeze it in a lump, I decided to make  Low Carb Peanut Butter Cups. I know that my chocolate looks a little rough – it is – but DAMN, do these taste good! And now, thanks to the satisfying keto lifestyle (and The Lord for blessing me with some self-control) I can do this: What you see in this picture is a half-eaten, homemade peanut butter cup. Rather than needing to eat 6 or 8 peanut butter cups in one sitting, or however many it would take to make me feel sick and awful so I could finally stop, I can now cut said treat in half and enjoy a small piece with my lunch, saving the other half for tomorrow’s lunch. It’s not because it doesn’t taste good; healthy portions have just somehow become enough… even though I still really enjoy the food I’m eating, I’m not a slave to it, it’s not an addiction, and I thank God for that!

❤ Lola