Mela: Sick of Me A.K.A “Buck Up Mela”

While Lola is trying to give herself some grace I’ve been saying really mean things to myself. And it’s a pattern I’m just tired of falling into where I do well and then let my emotions dictate weeks of bad choices followed by self loathing.

But how to break out of a cycle that I’ve been in most of my life? How do I finally straighten my crown and walk steadily into the future when I feel like an impostor on my own journey? Well I guess I can sum it up by listening to the voice in my head of my own mother as I was growing up complaining about things I absolutely had power to change: “Buck Up”. I used to hate this response to my complaints. It meant that the world didn’t OWE me a better situation and that I either had to live with it or be the change I wanted.

So with my 40th birthday just a couple weeks away and me wanting to come into this year where my life and family is very much in transition feeling hopeful and excited, I need to listen to mommy and just BUCK UP. Make a good plan that is reasonable and just be accountable to it. Enjoy my life and get the work done.

Living well is about more than weight loss, yes. But no matter what anyone says, when you wake up and every part of your body is something you can noticeably feel is not good, it’s time to grow up. Our choices are the #1 determining factor in us living better lives. That includes food, moving body, getting away from stress and prioritizing peace. It includes spending time on things that add value to our lives rather than waste time. It includes seeing the sun from the other side of the patio door. It includes catching up with people you love but whom you put off calling because you “don’t have time” (while you scroll the apps for hours in bed each night). It includes finding new recipe ideas so that eating doesn’t become a loathsome chore. It includes looking at yourself in the mirror and focusing on what you love instead of wanting to cry that everything is not the perfection you wish it was.

In the spirit of that, I think I’m going to slap some shoes on my kids and get them out the door this afternoon so they don’t waste the entire Easter break in front of the TV and we get some much needed fresh air.

What choices are you going to make for a better life today?

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